High five ski instructor
Successful together since 2013
Unique in Austria!
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Quality has
many faces.
We are the CSA Smiley Company!
You can find out why we call ourselves like that and why the smiley represents our values and philosophy:
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Ski instructors of the CSA Smiley Company
Werde ein Teil!

Work & train

The successful concept of the CSA ski school Silvia Grillitsch

With our CSA training system, we have already successfully supported numerous employees on their journey. Thanks to targeted promotion and individual further education, many of them were able to make a professional breakthrough – whether in other industries or by successfully completing the Austrian Diploma Ski Instructor training.

Our employees are the pulsating heart of our company: competent, motivated, and full of enthusiasm. To foster this commitment, we launched the CSA staff academy in 2013 – a unique offering and our biggest benefit for all team members.

Furthermore, we offer a variety of other advantages that await you with us. As a CSA Snow Hero, you are not only part of a great team but are promoted in a company that puts you and your development first. Become part of our success and experience how Work & Train can unleash your potential!
CSA team members
CSA ski instructor jacket
Team meeting

Our vision:
Promote and challenge employees

Together to Success
We focus on the targeted promotion and further development of our employees - because their success is our success. With a variety of opportunities, we support our team and create a unique community:

The CSA Benefits

Guaranteed only here. For our employees.

  • Up to 4 free trainings per week for all CSA employees
  • Individual further training within the framework of the CSA program
  • Onboarding days to provide new employees with an optimal start
  • A lively CSA community with diverse activities (Yoga, conditioning training, and more)
  • Joint team events that strengthen cohesion
  • Modern online portal and CSA app to always be well-informed and connected

Welcome to the CSA family!

Our vision is to create a work environment that inspires, supports, and excites.

Silvia, how did the idea come about?

Silvia Grillitsch about the CSA staff academy

Silvia Grillitsch is more than a passionate ski instructor and athlete. She took over the CSA ski school from her father, expanded it further, and loves to support and inspire people. With her vision and spirit, she has created a community characterized by values such as courage, fun, passion, and cohesion.

"For this reason, we founded our own internal CSA  staff academy in 2013. With the CSA academy, we want to provide our employees with advanced, modern training tailored to their respective performance levels and goals."

Excellent training program

From aspirant to certified ski instructor

Modern CSA training plans - completely individual.
Customized training opportunities, modern analysis tools and training plans for building technique in all areas of ski sports provide a great foundation for our employees. With the CSA staff academy, we want to offer our employees advanced, modern training tailored to their individual performance levels and goals.
Silvia Grillitsch
conducted by our top CSA trainers
Every week, our best CSA trainers conduct up to 4 free training sessions for our Snow Heroes. Thanks to our revolutionary CSA training system, we have already helped numerous employees successfully complete further training and take their careers to the next level.
Analysis using video recording
Improvement of skiing technique with CSA Video Coaching
Using a tablet, we record the movements on skis and snowboards and then analyze the technique using a drawing tool. Played back in slow motion, incorrect postures or incorrect ski guidance can be immediately recognized and improved.
Wir sind die CSA Smiley Company!
Warum wir uns so nennen und warum der Smiley für unsere Werte und Philosophie steht, erfahren Sie hier:
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Laughing children - our greatest praise!

Our main common goal is to delight our guests.

We succeed because we give our best every day.  „Our greatest strength is the joy in the profession“, says Silvia Grillitsch, owner of the CSA ski school Silvia Grillitsch in Obertauern. The CSA ski and snowboard school Silvia Grillitsch has established itself as Obertauern's quality ski school and is a professional trendsetter in all snow sports areas. 

More on the quality criteria »

Become part of the CSA Smiley Company!

Do you want to become a ski instructor? Are you eager to turn your passion into a profession? Then apply as a ski or snowboard instructor in one of the coolest ski resorts in Austria. We, the CSA Smiley Company, are continuously looking for young, motivated winter sports enthusiasts who want to share their skills.
Team meeting
5 Questions - 1 Minute!
And the best part - we save you the long job interview and the creation of application documents. Answer 5 questions with an online form and we will contact you.

We are proud to accompany each individual on their journey to becoming a Snow Hero.

Silvia Grillitsch
Silvia Grillitsch Avatarbild
The CSA team
CSA Snow Heroes
Instagram icon of Elfsight
follow us on Instagram
We would be delighted if you would also become part of the large CSA community on social media. We regularly report on Obertauern's slopes, everyday ski school life, our CSA Snow Heroes and current events.

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