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and location

Skischule Silvia Grillitsch GmbH & Co KG

Our contact details:
Tel.: +43 6456 7462

In the middle of Obertauern

The address:
Römerstraße 53
5562 Obertauern

Coordinates for input into your navigation device: 
Enter the coordinates below into your navigation system to find us directly in Obertauern at the federal highway:
Longitude: 13.4747499
Latitude: 47.2488556
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CSA Snowland

Central and easily accessible.

The CSA Skischule Silvia Grillitsch is located directly in the center at the Passhöhe of Obertauern and is conveniently reachable due to its location in the middle of the ski area. Whether you are arriving from Radstadt or Lungau, our ski school offices, meeting points on the slopes, and our Snowlands (children's adventure worlds) are easy to find.

Arrival by car:

Coming from Salzburg:
Drive on the A10 Tauernautobahn until the Altenmarkt exit (Exit 63). From here, take the B99 Katschberg federal road through Radstadt to Obertauern. The CSA office is located on the left side in the center of Obertauern directly on the street.

Coming from Villach:
Take the A10 Tauernautobahn until the toll station exit St. Michael (Exit 104). Here, take the B99 towards Obertauern. The CSA office is located on the right side of the street in the center of Obertauern.

Coming from Vienna:
Via the A2, the Semmering expressway S6 and further on the S36 to Judenburg. On the Murtal federal road, you will drive through Tamsweg and Mauterndorf to Obertauern. The CSA office is located on the right side of the street in the center of Obertauern.

Arrival by train:

All national and international trains stop at the station in Radstadt (20 km away). From here, you can travel to Obertauern by post bus or taxi, or we can pick you up for free.

Deutsche Bahn
Österreichische Bundesbahn
ÖBB Postbus

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