Welcome to the website of the CSA Ski School Silvia Grillitsch in Obertauern and your heroic snow heroes, the CSA Smiley Company team. Become part of the community on www.snowhero.at.
Girl in the CSA snowland
This is what makes skiing fun!
Skidoo driving for kids in Obertauern
Unique in Austria
The CSA employees academy... with matchless benefits
in the community. Be part of it!

Overview of children’s course options

We want to enable our pupils to enjoy a light-hearted skiing holiday in Obertauern; fun and with lots of care, so kids can learn about modern ski sports on two skis. With a wide range of courses, professional aids, CSA children’s adventure worlds and the caring supervision of our ski-instructors, little racers can enjoy an eventful time, full of fun and variety.

classification criteria

Level: Beginners from 4 years

Level: Beginners from 6 years

Level K4 1: Braking, turning in snowplough at rope lift in Snowland
Level K4 2: First snowplough turns on easy blue slopes
Level K4 3: Safe and controlled snowplough turns on blue slopes
Level K3 1: Turning in snowplough, switch to parallel skiing between the turns, blue slopes
Level K3 2: Turning in snowplough, switch to parallel skiing between the turns, red slopes
Level K2: Parallel skiing on red and black slopes
Our course options for children
Childminding in your Obertauern hotel

While you are enjoying your sunny day of skiing in Obertauern, we go to great lengths to ensure the wellbeing of your little ones. Trained childminders will spend a lovely time with the kids, painting, making things and playing. In this way, you can relax without a care in the world and savour your skiing holiday to the full.